The Truth

The Truth

     Today in class we had a discussion about the history of newspapers and the effect of the metal moveable-type printing press. I learned about someone named Andrew Hamilton and although he is not Alexander, he said something that really opened my eyes. "How can the truth be wrong? If what you say is true, is it wrong to punish you for saying it?" This is something that is still a problem in our society. People listen to everything the media says as long as it is what they like or believe. If someone says something that is true, especially when it is against many people's beliefs, it is immediately shunned by everyone. In some countries, you can still be killed for saying something offensive or humiliating about its ruler, even though it may be true. It is absolutely insane to think that somebody can tell citizens the truth about a leader, yet still be murdered for saying it. I wonder if these false accusations of libel will ever end, and if they do, when?


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