Conglomerates Effect on the Binary Models

Conglomerates Effect on the Binary Models

Our discussion on the binary models and conglomerates went a little bit over my head. I was not sure at first exactly what Mr. Miller was talking about. Once he related them together and asked how conglomerates affected the binary models of mass media I understood the direction he was going immediately. Conglomerates really change the world of mass media more than most people would think. They make companies much bigger, which completely changes the models. For example, the content-distribution model. A company like Disney used to only make content and rely on other distributors to sell their products, but after becoming so huge from buying out other companies, Disney has now become a content and distribution company. Or the other way around, Netflix. Netflix used to only distribute other companies mass media, but in the fast few years, they have started to make their own shows and movies. If this cycle continues, the content-distribution binary model will keep reducing in size. 


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