A Communication Clarification: As Said by Desiree Levier

A Communication Clarification

 Responding to Desiree Leveir

     In Desiree's blog, she explains the vast yet misunderstood difference between group communication and mass communication. I completely agree with her comment which stated that "When first learning of these distinctions between group / mass communication, it's not uncommon for an individual to misinterpret the message as mass communication equaling more viewers and group communication being equated to less viewers." This is what I thought when I first heard the two terms. Her example used to explain how that misinterpretation is not always true was very well thought out and understandable. The example she used was how you can send a group email to a thousand people and it is still group communication, but a public Instagram post seen by one hundred people is considered mass communication. This was a very clever and well thought out way to explain mass communication/group communication to an audience of mainly teenagers. Desiree paid close attention to her audience and wrote according to that which was very impressive.

Reach Desiree's blog entree at: http://lokiwasright.blogspot.com/2018/09/mass-communication.html


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