Hot and Cool Media: As Said by Laila Hill

Hot and Cool Media

A Response to Laila Hill

While Laila's entry regarding hot and cool media was informative, it seemed like more of a summary than a response to class. She did, though, make some very good points. She explained the difference of hot and cool media, and gave clear examples for each side of the binary, which gave me a clear understanding of exactly what she was talking about throughout the blog. She explained how she came to the conclusion that movies would be considered cool media, which I do not fully agree with. Her argument was that you could leave for a restroom break and come back without being too lost, but that is not the best circumstance to use for hot and cool media. The difference between hot and cool media is that with hot media, you have to give your full attention to understand while in cool media, you can be doing other things and not fully focus on the media and still almost fully understand the media. When you take a restroom break during a movie, you are paying attention the entire movie except the couple minutes you are gone, which is not the same as multitasking. I consider movies hot media because if you were to play a movie in the background of multitasking, the most you would know is the very basic plot, which is not enough to understand the movie.

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